News & Announcements

Congrats Hannah Cournoyer - IALS Translational Research Fellowship recipient

05/28/2024 - 12:30pm

Congratulations to Hannah Cournoyer who was just awarded with the IALS Translational Graduate Student Fellowship regarding her work in the Lacreuse Lab!

The 2024 Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Conference is this Thursday! (5/30/24)

05/28/2024 - 11:00am

Join us this Thursday in the Student Union Ballroom (41 Campus Center Way, Amherst, MA 01002) for the 2024 Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Conference. Onsite registration will be available and the conference is open and also free for students, staff, and faculty. See more information about the keynote speakers here and a schedule here.

Neuro Network has launched - join us next time!

05/22/2024 - 12:15pm

Join us for Neuro Network! This is a bi-weekly neuroscience forum for trainees. There was a great turnout at the first event and we would like to give a special thanks to Erika Correll for spearheading this great community building event. This event will take playce every other Friday from 12-1:30pm, starting this week (May 24th).

UMass NSB is wishing you a happy holiday season and a happy New Year!

12/27/2023 - 12:30pm
NSB Holiday Party 2023

With the holiday season upon us, UMass NSB is sending joy and hopefully some rest to all! Additionally, congrats to another semester completed.

SciTech Cafe event this week (12/6)! 

12/05/2023 - 10:30am

Are you interested in learning about memory? Come hear all about it at this weeks SciTech Cafe talk given by our very own Dr. Margaret Stratton, at the Abandoned Building Brewery.The event is free (light refreshments provided!) and you'll have the opportunity to win prizes as well!  Additionally, you can bring your own snacks/dinner. Come join us for some fun and great scientific discussion!


Congrats to our very own Natasha De La Rosa-Rivera who started off the year strong as a Yale Ciencia Academy (YCA) fellow!

10/14/2023 - 3:00pm

This June Natasha took a trip to Yale University to embark on a year long fellowship at the YCA for professional development. Over the course of the next year, Natasha will collaborate with 15 other science leaders across Puerto Rico and the U.S that share her understanding of the importance of inclusion and social impact. Learn more about the program in the press release attached here

NSB's Agnes Lacreuse, Stephanie Padilla, and Jenny Rauch awarded a grant from the Alzheimer's Association

08/28/2023 - 4:45pm

Calling all CNS Grad Students!

06/20/2023 - 1:45pm

Happy end of the semester and start of summer! To celebrate, join your fellow grad students for an evening of food, fun, and trivia presented by CNS and Life Science Café and sponsored by your Graduate Student Organizations! Show off your science, UMass, and Sci-Fi knowledge on the 29th of June at 6pm at the Hangar Bar and Grill (10 University Dr., Amherst, MA)

We’ll buy the food and you buy the drinks! We hope to see you there!

Pre-register your trivia team and win an extra trivia point! Make a team ahead of time or join one day-of! Maximum of 8 people per group please. If there are more, feel free to break into two groups!

There will be questions across 5 different topics so get ready to be challenged!

Any questions? Please email:

Greg Pearson won a Trainee Professional Development Award!

10/07/2022 - 8:30am

Greg Pearson (3rd year PhD student in the Karatsoreos Lab) has won a Trainee Professional Development Award (TDPA) to attend the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) conference in San Diego. The competitive TPDA recognizes undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who demonstrate scientific merit and excellence in research. 

We are also excited that Greg's SfN abstract, exploring how the circadian clock alters the impact of viral inflammatory stimuli that access the brain via the intranasal route, was chosen for a NanoString Technologies Travel Grant. Congratulations Greg!

NSB graduate students publication expected to lead to a more precise understanding of the neuronal activity underlying patterns of drinking behavior which may play a role in the detrimental effects on mental health that differ by sex.

10/29/2021 - 9:00am

NSB Graduate Students,  Annabelle Bonilla Flores and Andy Silva-Gotay, members of the Richardson Lab have a recent publication in Biology of Sex Differences. To learn more about this research, see Annabelle Flores-Bonilla’s Student Spotlight featured in The Initiative on Neurosciences (IONs) and Flores-Bonilla A, De Oliveria B, Silva-Gotay, A, Lucier KW, Richardson HN (2021). Shortening time for access to alcohol drives up front-loading behavior, bringing consumption in male rats to the level of females. Biology of Sex Differences.